Happy new year!

happy new year text on green background

Hope y’alls had a good turn of the year. Here’s to 2023 for it to become way, way better than 2022.

Read more: Happy new year!

New Year’s Resolutions, anyone?

Since a few years, I feel way too stressed to do resolutions for the new year. How about you?

I do have a few plans, tho, also regarding some of my habits. So maybe that’s some kind of new year’s resolution:

  • keep my flat tidy, declutter and re-organize some stuff, especially my crafting supplies
  • more journaling 💜 and getting back into drawing and painting again
  • stretches and mobility for my body – I’m getting older and I feel it in my bones
  • vacuum my flat in decent intervals
  • plan my vacation days better and distribute them better throughout the year

I know, some of those sound like pretty “normal person everyday things”, but since my last burnout in 2020, I just can’t do stuff the normal way anymore. I also really feel like I changed a lot in the past three years and became a different person in that time. I moved on from a lot of stuff and I believe I can absolutely be proud of myself.

NYE 2023 plans, maybe

I would like to go on a little vacation next NYE. Since my dog Lucas does not take fireworks well at all, it would be nice to do some days of hermit mode somewhere reclusive. It would be nice to do this as a reset of the old and a fresh start into the new year – without all the stress and noise. But let’s see if we can make it happen.

Next up

Mid February, there’s going to be a week-trip to Malmö, Sweden. I have to leave Lucas at home, so I gotta ask my parents, if they are willing to take care of the little man for 5 days. I hope it won’t be too much of a hassle for them. Let’s see!


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