
I’ve been wanting to write more blog posts and post more art on my own website/Blog for months and I just can’t get my head around doing it…

Now I’m reviving Tumblr and crossposting seems like the way to go. Writing on one platform, distributing it over the internet to the other platforms I feed. Maybe changing to Tumblr/WordPress completely in the end, it would be so much less stressful? I guess. I don’t know for sure!

Just thinking aloud. It’s all a mess atm. Anyhow, my Tumblr is valhundart.tumblr.com – feel free to follow me there!

Website in progress

So, hello there. As you can see (maybe), this website is still a construction site. I‘m working to make it look better and I hope my webshop will also work in the end. It‘s super new to me to host my own little shop system, so bare with me if it doesn‘t run as smoothly as the big selling sites.

Enjoy your stay, leave a comment or a little star rating, if you wanna, and please consider to support me via one of the various ways possible. 💜