Tag: Review

  • Tumblr

    I’ve been wanting to write more blog posts and post more art on my own website/Blog for months and I just can’t get my head around doing it…

    Now I’m reviving Tumblr and crossposting seems like the way to go. Writing on one platform, distributing it over the internet to the other platforms I feed. Maybe changing to Tumblr/WordPress completely in the end, it would be so much less stressful? I guess. I don’t know for sure!

    Just thinking aloud. It’s all a mess atm. Anyhow, my Tumblr is valhundart.tumblr.com – feel free to follow me there!

  • Testing: TooGoodToGo

    Testing: TooGoodToGo

    TooGoodToGo Logo

    Maybe you‘ve heard of it already, but here in short: TooGoodToGo is an app that helps restaurants, bakeries and other shops minimize their food waste. As a customer, you can choose from different offers and you receive surprise bags or whole meals for a reduced price. It‘s really a neat idea and since I live in the very heart of Berlin now, I might as well try this out, is wat I thought.

    Bag full of bakery goods

    So I went ahead and after a long time browsing the app, I finally found something that caught my fancy and I ordered it. A surprise bag of baked goods for 3,50€ To be picked up between 19:30 and 20:00. Alright, I grabbed my dog and we took a stroll to said bakery and, oh my goodness?! We got a surprise bag indeed! It was SO HEAVY!

    At home I checked what‘s inside: 3 (big!) sandwiches, which I immediately put into the fridge, so they wouldn‘t go bad, and everything you see on the photo on the side. It is really a lot and I can easily live quite some days off of what I got for mere 3,50€. I‘m not only very surprised by this bag, I will also totally do it again to see what else I can get. 😏